Rooney had no right to abuse Riley, as the gaunt and morally weak referee had tried his best to ease Manchester United towards victory; he ignored a cynical Vidic foul in the first half that could well have been a red card as he was the last man, he ignored an appalling straight legged lunge from Rooney on Coloccini not even getting a yellow out, he ignored several Rooney rants at both himself and the linesman, and he awarded the most contentious of free kicks to Man U in the dying seconds as Rafael hurled himself to ground after minimal contact.
Eventually Riley got his yellow card out for Rooney's abuse, showing just how pathetic this gimmicky 'respect' campaign is from the FA. The FA can ramble on endlessly, but if they continue to let serious foul play and dissent go unpunished then it will continue to flourish. The likes of Terry and Rooney actually gain big advantages from intimidating officials with their disrespectful tones, the only language these scum will understand is that of a swift red card. Unfortunately for football our weasel like officials are more likely to show a red card to a Frenchman for politely asking why a free kick was given, than they are to show a red for Rooney or Terry describing what they intend to do to the referee's mother in scatalogical terms.
Having said that, United were remarkably poor and lacking sparkle in the wide areas without their spotty Portugese show pony. Giggs and Scholes are running out of time, while their lack of forwards could be a real problem if they do not strengthen. This was in stark contrast to Chavski, who as a result of their ridiculous financial set up and record yearly losses can afford to pay over a hundred million for just the contents of their bench, meaning that they have a completely financially unsustainable strength in depth. Really anything less than victory for Chelsea should be seen as a failure for them, and frankly even if they win it's not much of an achievement given their resources.
Chelsea remind me of an overly competitive father who gets immense satisfaction from blasting shots past his tiny three year old son in the park, what a bunch of sad bastards they are. They did look good today though, against a very poor Portsmouth side who lacked any real width and who look to have wasted a rather handsome sum on that cumbersome beanpole Peter Crouch. Chelsea's midfield ran Pompey ragged and despite their third being a dubious penalty, the destination of the points was never in doubt. I just hope I live to see the day that Roman gets bored with his little toy, maybe it will never happen, I can but dream I suppose.
Very well written article iam impressed.
Iam starting an arsenal site next month maybe u wud be interested in the new writer`s position which just opened up.
haha, brilliant stuff :)
brilliant spot on
I've no idea why anybody thought this new token gesture was going to make the slightest bit of difference.
First of all refs moaned that they should be paid and that only then would they be able to shoulder the huge responsibility which they trained to deal with in the first place.
Then they required an assistant to sit in the stand to spot things which they have been trained to see.
Now some load of ball-ache about 'get on with the game' is supposed to show that refs, clubs, the fa and fans alike all want the same thing; a fair game where the only thing that matters is 11 men playing another 11 men at the beautiful game.
Bloody Nora, the refs lost the fans way before they lost the respect of any premier league player.
I don't want to see fair play if it means, Deco being allowed to stay on the pitch after almost ending Diarra's career (although....)and then booking someone because a player told him to fuck off. It's a joke.
Refs will never send Roonay of for being the cunt he is. Equally he won't improve as a player till he stops being a cunt. And i don't by into the "if you take away his agression he's hlf the player" crap.
If agression is half of what he is, then he is half a player. As the other half should be suspended most games. Also, there is no way you can play your best when you spend all game trying to hurt other people and argue. Great players (maybe Keane and Vieira aside) never have and never will.
Refs will never send Roonay of for being the cunt he is. Equally he won't improve as a player till he stops being a cunt. And i don't by into the "if you take away his agression he's hlf the player" crap.
If agression is half of what he is, then he is half a player. As the other half should be suspended most games. Also, there is no way you can play your best when you spend all game trying to hurt other people and argue. Great players (maybe Keane and Vieira aside) never have and never will.
Double-posting half-wit.
That's the kind of thing Alonso would do - right Ted?
Damn right. The cretin.
On another note. Its good to see that Manure's much vaunted strength in depth is a complete myth. Take Ronaldo out the equation and its a very different side.
They did still have a lot of players out - Tevez, Anderson etc., but no different to us in many respects.
The issue is Chelsea, who will have over £100m on the bench every week. And if they get an injury they'll just sign a player in january.
It's a different ball game to us, let alone the rest of the league.
Have you cheered up yet Ted or are we still heading for an Alonso led charge into the bottom half of the table?
It's going to be a great competition this year - who can be more sulky, Ted or Ade? It was honours even after Saturday.
Excellent article as ever 1979 - I would love it, just love it, if Rooney would get sent off for being the ugly foul mouthed chav that he so clearly is.
Finally, Arsene has taken a lot of flack in the media and from many fans for the lack of signings this summer but from what I've seen so far - Nasri looks like Pires II, and Vela and Ramsey both looked excellent pre-season. Wenger's a genius - please let us not forget that!
unbelievable. One win against WBA and K-Man has got his sunshine smile on again. What has happened to Mr "we have to sign Johnathan Woodgate" or else? Unbelievable. Clearly was some good shit in the Hamptons.
I think I need to lay this Alonso thing to rest.
A midfield of Nasri-Alonso-Cesc-Walcott(Rosicky) looks absolutely bed wetting on paper, it really does. I watched the Scousers on Saturday afternoon (well, 2nd half at least) and Alonso pulled the strings beautifully, he really did, and I can see why people can see him in an Arsenal shirt.
My thinking, as rudimentary and as common or garden variety as it may be, is that the above midfield lacks quite a lot in the strength / grit / tackling / fouling departments. You have to be tough to play against. Vieira was tough. Roy Keane was tough. Giles Grimandi is being researched by Nasa because he is so tough.
Alonso is about as tough as a chicken korma. Forget that, he's not even curry. He's a sodding baked potato. With cottage cheese.
The above midfield is the sort of schoolboy fantasy crap that is great going forwards and largely useless when we don't have the ball. I.e. Spurs for the last 15 years. Good sides just kick Alonso or just run past him. We always do.
The job description is to play behind Cesc. Tackle anything that comes near you. Kick them if you can't tackle them. Win the ball and give it to Cesc. Bloody simple.
How many Arsenal fans sit and watch games thinking "shit, what we really need in this team is someone who can pass it a bit, we're just punting it up field aimlessly. What we need is someone who elaborates a bit. Adds some subtlety but doesn't have to tackle, ever."
No one does, because our team is already full of over-elaborate goal-of-the-monthers. The only one who took the shooting on against WBA was Eboue. Bless him.
Chelsea lined up yesterday with a midfield of Ballack-Mikel-Lampard-Deco. Thats 3 six footers, two 15 stoners, a good dirty fouler in Mikel and a dodgy Portugese hamster (who is not scared of a leg breaker himself). We need some hustle and bustle to compete with that, to break the play up, keep it simple and then release the ball to our attacking players. With Gilberto in the side, I would back us against Chelsea, simply because Giblet gives the protection for the rest to get forwards.
Leaving Alonso to sit and defend is like giving Gazza a crate of beer and telling him he can't drink it for 10 minutes. He just can't do it.
However, it may well be that Wenger decides to go against my counsel (the plonker) and sign Alonso. I won't be happy, but so what. Equally, I don't think we will dive down the table.
However, I do think we will be more inconsistent away from home, concede more goals straight down the middle and get pushed off the ball too easily. Bottom line is that I don't see Alonso giving us the metal we need in midfield.
Fuck it though. What do I know. I still think Eboue could make it for us.
Respect isn't given, it's earned. And while I'm still new to observing the Premiership (American whose experience was limited to a very good program at my high school), I've learned that, A, Arsenal has earned my respect for being a team that tries to win without being a bunch of thugs, and B, Wayne Rooney belongs with the Philadelphia Flyers, and if you don't know what that means, then... consider yourself lucky! He reminds me of the line from Ferris Bueller's Day Off. Remember? "Rooney, I don't have all day to bark at you, so I'm going to make this short... and sweet!" The day Rooney gets sent off will be short for him, and sweet for the rest of the civilized world!
Easy all. Just had Alonso over for a slap up Pie and Chips supper. He's a top bloke, the car battery was flat and he sorted me out with his jump leads. He saw that the gas meter was low and he ran round the corner to the shop and stuck a score on it for us. He finished me nan's knitting off as she was having a nightmare with a cross stitch. Paid for me missus' breast enlargement, sorted me Dad's alotment out with some top notch weeding and then took me out for a raging piss up down the bootlaces just so he could have a scrap with the N17 firm. Best day of my life, I love you Xabi.
very good Si !!
But you merely prove my point. Alonso is a care in the community project who takes pity on others and lets them score. Total cretin. The N17 firm would kick the merry shit out of him.
Grimandi would have been in and out in 5 minutes, set fire to your house, shagged your wife and drunk your booze. Total legend. He could take the whole of Shite Hart Lane on by himself.
The 2002 double winning side had Lauren, Keown and Vieira. No one fucked with us. Apart from Kolo, we are bunch of jessies now.
Holy shit. The penny has just dropped. KOLO TOURE IS THE ONLY ONE LEFT FROM THE INVINCIBLES.
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