Sunday 7 November 2010

Half time vs Toon - Dean the useless

A fairly decent game and we were shading it until Carroll beat Fabianski in the air to nod in the opener, one nil to Newcastle at the break. A poor bit of goalkeeping from the Pole, if you come then you have to claim the ball, he came and claimed nothing. Newcastle had looked well organised and solid, Nasri forced a super save late on in the half when it looked more likely that the net would bulge. Still we hadn't created enough and Carroll's goal leaves us with a lot to do in the second half.

The stand out point of the first half has been some truly incompetent officiating from the useless Mike Dean. He started off by not booking a very poor late lunge on Wilshere by Coloccini, a booking at the very least. Clichy then got a deserved booking, but it was nowhere near as bad as the Italian's foul. Wilshere was pulled up for a 'foul' when he clearly won the ball, the only contact came when the Newcastle player who had lost the ball ran over Wilshere, an absolutely awful decision from the hapless Dean.

A series of soft free kicks for Newcastle followed before halt time. Enrique won one for a theatrical fall after minimal Sagna contact, Dean then gave a free kick when Song was a metre away from making any contact, Kevin Nolan appeared surprised that Dean had blown up. The free kick that led to the Newcastle goal was another Dean error, Sagna stayed on his feet and was shoulder to shoulder with the Newcastle player, no tackle was made, the Newcastle player had lost the ball, decided to go down and Dean obliged.

Mike Dean is a useless referee. The sad thing is that I think the general standard of refereeing in the Premiership is pretty woeful, very few referees have any understanding of the game or common sense, things have certainly deteriorated in the last five or ten years. It is a disgrace that the world's most lucrative league is officiated by this bunch of cretinous incompetents.


Anonymous said...

I would say that Flappy is useless

Anonymous said...

You idiot. You certainly do enjoy praying for late challenges to hide from the fact your side is utter shite.

What about Fabregas' lunge?

Anonymous said...

I am sure you'll blame Dean for the sending off you stupid twat. Learn the rules of the game and try looking at your own club's problems. No chance of the title now. No chance whatsoever.

Danish Gooner said...

Wenger really dont know what he is doing,time for him to go !!! what will the akbs say now,how do you defend this utter shite

GoonerForLife said...

Shut up ur embarrassing us!

He did nothing wrong, we're just having a shitty day!

Anonymous said...

Common. Enough is enough. November will always be a doom and gloom month for Arsenal.

Let's agree to say that sacking Wenger right now, in the middle of the season is the right decision before we end up trophyless again.

Wenger should go. NOW

Unknown said...

Here we fucking go again, blowing our chance to stay in the title race again.

Anonymous said...

oh boo hoo . booh hoo. boo hoo.

Poor wittle arsenal the refs just are always against them.


Maybe if you werent so famous for cheating refs wouldnt doubt it when your players roll around screaming.

Anonymous said...

It´s Fabianski the useless, pls wake up...

howduido said...

Newcastle is hardworking. Dats arsenal best 11 out there n home advantage. Disgraceful result. No excuse. Maybe arse can't play against black n white strips. Remember west brom.....

Anonymous said...

this is a game of low standard to me and as for mike dean... he is a replica of Howard webb..can't make correct and well timed refeering and for all i care..he is a Fool and does not knw he is one.....


Anonymous said...

fabregas had an awful game....along with fabianski....and mike dean was pretty pathetic aswell....gunners didnt seem up for it today and cost us dear....out of league already

Anonymous said...

mike dean might be a shit what about wenger not using rosicky who got abilities to draw dfendrs oup of position.lack of concentratn on part of d defence.wenger will alwys find a way out.sweet mouth to calm our nerves and that s what we are going to get

1979gooner said...

anon 1526

it was never a red

if you can explain how a non foul when not last man is a red card then you are a clever man

Anonymous said...

im a little bitter. im a little a little bitter. im a little a little bitter. im a little bitter


1979gooner said...

I'm a very clever person who repeats the same personal insult over and over as I am not intelligent enough to come up with a reasonable point in the argument. I'm a very clever person who repeats the same personal insult over and over as I am not intelligent enough to come up with a reasonable point in the argument. I'm a very clever person who repeats the same personal insult over and over as I am not intelligent enough to come up with a reasonable point in the argument.


Anonymous said...

Dean is a bad ref and anti-Wenger. Newcastle are improving but still poor. Arsenal were very little better. Having said that- Man U were poor, Chelski were poor, Pool were poor etc. England are poor. The main problem is that British football is becomming dominated by bad challenges- many of them pulling, pushing and blocking. Soon there will be zero teams in this island playing proper football. Refs or the FA can stop the cheating but some teams will be playing with 5 a side after 10 minutes. Authorities need to move fast.

Anonymous said... news, video ,photo ,sport