Saturday 20 November 2010

Extremely lucky spuds exploit stupid sloppiness

Sometimes one deserves one's defeats, sometimes one does not and today was most certainly one of the latter occasions. Arsenal were by far the better side, quicker and sharper in the centre of the park, opening up the opposition time and time again, but a combination of stupidity and sloppiness allowed them back into a game that they should not have been in.

It was one way traffic in the first half. Two nil flattered the spuds. Nasri with a brilliant finish having rounded Gomes, then Chamakh with a neat finish after an excellent centre from Arshavin on the left. There were some other excellent clear cut chances too, Cesc dragged a shot rather wide with the goal at his mercy, Chamakh clean through but he dawdled, allowing Kaboul the chance to intercept, there were other chances too.

Goals change games and that's precisely what Bale's opening spuds goal did, some rather poor hesitant Arsenal defending allowed the ball to bounce, something that should not happen in one's central defensive area, Van der Vaart had too much time and space, he played in Bale, who did finish magnificently well. Still, after this goal, we continued to look the better side and threaten more than the spuds, Chamakh went through again but dawdled, the chance again lost.

The second spuds goal came after a non free kick given as Song fairly eased Modric of the ball, the over exaggeration of fouls was something that Modric and Bale did all afternoon long to win some very soft free kicks. Cesc was then stupid, he raised his arm and the free kick struck it, penalty given and scored by Van der Vaart. The spuds were somehow level in a game in which they had not really taken part.

The good chances then fell on our side of the fence, Cesc forced an excellent save from Gomes, Koscielny headed over with the goal at his mercy, Walcott was wasteful with some excellent positions, Song should also have had a penalty when he was cleared barged from behind in the box. Kaboul glanced in the third for the spuds and that way it stayed despite yet more sustained pressure on their goal.

Overall a very weird north London derby game, we managed to lose despite controlling the vast majority of the game against a side that so rarely threatened our goal, it rather reminiscent of the 4-4 game when the spuds got a completely undeserved draw against the run of play. It was strange because the spuds never really made my heart pound by putting us under much pressure, they rarely looked like scoring, a funny game football can be.

Having said that despite our incisive attacking play we gifted the spuds two of their goals. The first resulted from allowing a ball to bounce in a region of the pitch where this should never happen, the second came from a moment of rank stupidity from Cesc Fabregas. It was this sloppiness and stupidity that allowed the spuds to steal there points from game in which they were blatantly second best.

We were also guilty of failing to kill the game off at 2-0, Chamakh was particularly cuplable, it almost cost us at Everton, today it has most definitely cost us the points. We simply cannot expect to win the title when gifting goals like this, we need to defend better and grind out more clean sheets. It appeared that we were turning this defensive corner, today is yet another example of this false dawn, just when we thought we were achieving some kind of consistency, our dreams are shattered. It is also so very disappointing that this happened against a spuds side that were distinctly average and second best today.


AlexSongshair said...

I'm awaiting the spurs fans, getting ready to Heskey them

Anonymous said...


You bitter little turd. No ref decisions or bad tackles for you to over-analyse.

Answer this. If the loss was down to your own inability then how is that lucky for spurs? Surely a game is against two sides and it's the one who exploits the other's weaknesses that ultimately should win the match?

No luck mate. If anything it just showed how piss poor arsenal are.

Anonymous said...

Lucky..... hang on mate I am the most biased of gooners ...but it wasn't luck that lost us this was AW!! He did not respond to the change titcher made at half time (which is another of AW's failings as he tends to be tactically inept on a regular basis) he then takes off Nasri who was ahgin our best player, to bring on Walcott who has poor recently and was crap for England 3 days ago! This also highlighted again that cheap buys will not cover for class....and I mean that our 2 centre backs are not good enough for anyone with a remote ambition in winning the EPL. plus selecting the totaly average Denilson and the sub par Arshavin also adds more weight to the fact that Wenger has lost it and will never regain his "golden touch" which was built on the foundation of George Grahams Defence and Bruce Rioch's signing of Denis Bergkamp!!!

Anonymous said...

We need to firmly place RVP in the first team A S A fucking P

library2.0 said...

well played spurs first of. But the two changes didn't work. Djorou and wileshire would have easilt helped the cause. Kos missed header and tackle cost us dear. An for any spurs fans, I HAVE THE RIGHT TO WHINGE ON AN ARSENAL BLOG

Anonymous said...

fuck u bast*rd .. dont u dare to downplay our weakness...the cunts did what they need to do and they went back home with 3 points...its our fault...its the clueless wenker and spineless fans like urs fault...fuck u,,,,

Anonymous said...

Thats football 2 mistakes and Tottenham scored 2 goals to level it when Arsenal should have been out of sight. Life goes on and it is still obvious Arsenal are the superior side.

ImNotBitter. Much said...

Tottenham played for one half only. And won it 3-0. Because they have players like Bale and Van der Vaart who are clinical.

Accept defeat. You sound like little girls.

bitter? me? said...

by the way. nice support of your team when Spurs came marching back into it.

You could only hear one set of fans.

12th man? have a word with yourselves

1979gooner said...


Let me explain. Given the balance of play/clear chances created spurs were rather lucky with the result. Obviously that is an opinion.

If you disagree fine, but at least try to come up with some kind of rational argument why. Plain abuse and swearing hardly a.good point makes.

Disagree that it was poor tactically from wenger. We were generally excellent and by far the better side.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, that result was completely beyond any form of logic.

spurs did nothing to warrant anything out of that game, we basicallly gift wrapped it for them.

I looked at the team sheets at the start and it was blatantly obvious that they are not even vaguely in the same class.

How we managed to lose that is a question for Arsenal, no-one else, least of all any deluded spuds fans.

Either our team has serious mental problems are someone is taking money.


Anonymous said...

Let Spurs crow- and crow and crow-they are very small minded- for most of this game they were outclassed and should have been beaten. Arsenal should never have lost a game they were 2 nil up- are Spurs that good? No we are crap at defending- and tight arsed Wenger is to blame.

Anonymous said...

That loss mirrored the debacle away at Wigan last year.
That second half performance mirrored the attitude the side showed when WBA and the toon rolled into town.

They stepped out onto that pitch second half thinking the game was already won. The whistle went and the clinical excellence of the first half was replaced with complacency and arrogance.

Jermaine Defoe winning the header that led to the 1st goal.., if the opposing team were on their knees then defoe still shouldn't win a header!! But he did, and it perfectly summed up the complacent mind frame the side waltzed out with.

We were the author's of our own downfall and quite frankly that second half disgrace is unacceptable.

Gutless, lazy, arrogant and pathetic.

They should be pushed onto the bus still in their kits and taken to the training ground, sat in a room and made to watch that second half again and when they've watched it once, they should be made to watch it again. Then fined a month's wages and told that if it ever happens again their time at such a great club will be all but over.

2-0 up at home after 45, win the game to go top of the table and they can't motivate themselves for that..!!?!

I've been a big supporter of this side, but after what i saw today and their inability to learn, or even care enough.., maybe its time for changes.
This side simply does not have that clinical, focused mentality that makes champions.

Once again, pathetic. Thank you very much arsenal for ruining my fucking weekend!

Chad Doobray said...

TBF the free-kicks leading to the 2nd and 3rd goal were soft as you like. There's a degree of luck in that.

Still you play the hand your dealt, I guess.

Anonymous said...

Harry is now talking about the title, haha he is a funny little man. Its a strange season and all the best teams are losing to inferior opposition so its not really a surprise.

Anonymous said...

One thing I hope for is for Wenger to leave the dressing room after the match and let in Henry speak a little to the players, scream at them, do whatever he wants coz I think Wenger will not be able to do anything to motivate and tell them to wake up. If I was the manager I would be really hurt and probably crying out loud. Anyone of you out there putting this on Wenger's neck, tell me what did he do wrong?? Should he have came in himself for Denlison who generally did ok the first half and run after Bale for their first? or Come in himself for Fabregas and not raise his arm like that (Oh he has done that before, and got away with it, remember livepool???) He the captain should have learned from that better than anyone else as he's the captain, the f-ing captain. I liked what somebody said how he's no longer getting hurt by this rather disappointed, that's the case for me as well. The reason I said the players need motivation is coz it's 1-0 at st. andrews, and hopefully this time around, it doesn't jinx again.

Anonymous said...

as a neutral ( i can't decide if i hate arse or spuds more) i found this post pathetic. arse got precisely what they deserved. win the league? not for another 5 years at least.

Anonymous said...

You GOONS. Stop telling yourselves that you are "still" the superior team. If that makes you feel better, then you kid yourselves only. "Superior" teams DON'T lose a 2-0 lead, especially at home. SPURS were the better team....FACT !...that's why they won and YOU lost ! HaHa.

crybaby said...

The score was 3-2.

Goals scored are the traditional measurement of who has won the game.

Congrats on having more possession.

Anonymous said...

daz says...................I agree 100% with your analysis of the game, that's exactly how I saw it ! The sad truth of the matter is another very average team has left the emirates with 3 points and this time it was that sack of shit! We simply do not have the right mentallity to be champions, its not a lack of quality or bad substitutions just simply not having the correct mentality in games! We were by far the superior team today but at 2-0 thought we had won the game and lost focus and I really don't know what the answer is to put this right

LaughtatGoons said...

There IS now a power-shift happening in North london...and the ARSE fans have been realizing that for the last 18months now. I'm a Manure fan and it was so good to see the better team winning. Most hilarious was watching your mentally-challenged manager remonstrating and pissing in his pants.


Hang on chaps..i'm a Goon living in, and i think we all realize that Spuds are now a serious threat to us. Sure, we were spineless and our manager lost the plot, but if we think we are so good and keep calling Spuds "average" then what does that make us ? Give credit where its due...they played better than us and,mentally are a far more stronger team than us. Well done Spuds...cheer up my Goon mates..we will bounce back.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are a pleasant to watch bunch of 'fancy Dans' and yes you're probably the best passing team in the Prem but someone needs to tell you that football games are won by the team that scores the most goals. We've come back from being 1-0 down in 8 games this season, we have backbone, something you lack, and until you rectify that you wont win the league. Still it's nice to see you're as gracious in defeat as in victory lol.

1979gooner said...

some interesting comments and some not so

i think some people are being a tad harsh on our players, the way the game unfolded and the way we dominated we would have won it far more often than not, it was not like our other two home defeats which were rather different

to those spud fans who are gloating, and going on about a power shift etc

i suggest you go away and come back when you can actually make a decent point in response to what has been written

i'll take defeat, fine, but what i will not do is pretend we didn't dominate a game that we did, and pretend we didn't outplay the opposition when we quite clealy did we did

strange that no spurs fans have actually tried to claim thay they outplayed us, created more good chances/openings than us etc

probably because they know the crux of the article is spot on

it is not bitter to point out the facts of the game, it is justing the stating of fact in my opinion

Anonymous said...

Spurs fans, just leave some of these pathetic little Arsenal fans to come out with stupid excuses and show what they are really about. Any Arsenal fan with half a brain knows there was nothing lucky about Spurs winning or their goals today. Unfortunately some of the Gooners cannot accept what they see right in front of them and live on Planet Arsenal. But this breeds from their Manager. The handball for the pen: "I didnt' see it", the free-kick for the WINNING spurs goal was harsh. Wenger and the Gooner comments are just ridiculous and arrogant

1979gooner said...

yes spud 1647

actually both free kicks for the 2/3rd spurs goals were very very soft indeed

the way in which bale/modric were diving around for free kicks was rather pathetic too

do you think they were free kicks?

if so then it was definitely a pen for the foul on song 2nd half, clearly shoved over from behind

Peter said...

I love the way gooners go on about diving. Need a new goalkeeper? You have plenty of capable shot stoppers - That disgusting creature Fabregas is just one of many which inlcude Rosicky, Arshavin,Walcott Van Persie. Mind you they are all a bit titchy for between the sticks. Anyway I would have sent Fabregas off for deliberate handball. What goes around comes around. I don't like spuds and I don't like Arsenal and I don't care which of them siffers so long as one does. Arsenal Champions? Never again in Wenger's reign

1979gooner said...

You'd have sent off cesc for handball?

what a moronic comment

learn the basics of the game before mouthing off

Anonymous said... news, video ,photo ,sport PAOK.FC

Uncle Mike said...

In the end, it doesn't matter how much Phil Dowd again tried to screw Arsenal and hand the game to "the English team." The point is, we should have won anyway.

This was a horrible effort, and if I were the manager there would be some benchings for the Braga game on Tuesday.

Face it, if Wenger had taken Barca's money and run, and Fabregas were playing for the (insert expletive of choice) Catalans today, would today's Arsenal match have been any worse? Substantively, no. So NOBODY'S job should be safe. Nobody's.

Not even Wenger's.

Begeegs said...

Overall, we played pretty well and gave up two goals on set-pieces and one where Denilson didn't track back, although to be fair Bale is very quick - still a really good finish by Bale. I think that the only real chance (other than their Bale goal) that Spurs had from open play was the Modric chance which had Fabianski beaten had it been on target.

Basically, it is the complacency issue that creeps in and not taking chances to put teams away. Working the keeper when you have a clear cut chance, like Fab screwing his show wide in the 1st hald or Koz hitting the target with his free header late on. Also, Wenger needs to learn tactics - everyone and their grandma knew that Spurs would attack in the 2nd, so why not throw Walcott on and hit them on the counter? Also, why was Djourou dropped?

Anonymous said...

This place is almost as funny as RAWK for entertainment!

Anonymous said...

The better side won. Just look at the corner count. No point in crying about it, Spurs are as good as the G**ners now, if not better.Lucky goals? What about Diver Nasri's goal? A freak if you ever saw one.