As i was looking at Arseblog today, the uber-blog for all Gooners, I couldn't help noticing that one of our very own (very) small time bloggers was grimacing back at me.
For whilst Arsene takes the applause in front of the Clock End (it looks like the last game at Highbury, but not quite sure) Another Arsenal Blog's very own "Obsinho" can be seen gurning back at us - he's far right in the picture and looks like he's clapping. Its about the last time he was nice to Arsene Wenger.
Anyway, with apologies to Arseblogger for borrowing his banner, its also a big shout out to Obsinho - he's had a miserable week, the poor sod, coming third last in the South London Monthly Gurning league, and got his house broken into so missed the Chelsea game. However, I am sure he will be back in Block 6 for the Stoke game.
However, if anyone would like to buy a rather disappointing flat screen TV, please let me know.
Thanks for the kind words - I was robbed in that firming competition.
Thankfully for Le Boss the burglars robbede of my 'poota so haven't been able to doom & gloom about Sunday yet.
Hopefully a nice little win tonight and things will be starting to look up.....
you look beautiful obs!
hope the week has got better
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