I challenge even the biggest Manchester United supporter to defend the above. One has to give credit where credit is due and no one can doubt Fergsuson's incredibly achievements and record as United manager.
However as a human he is not someone I have much respect for and his behaviour above is a perfect example of what a deeply unpleasant character the man is. He is a cowardly bully, a man who has consistently and routinely used his position and power to force his own way on others. He is not a man who listens to others, he is not a man who can be reasoned with, he is a man who no other way than to aggressively force his way on everyone else.
The journalist was merely asking a question and Ferguson couldn't handle that. He had to react by vindictively trying to ban the journalist from future press conferences, truly the cowards way out. This is the latest in a long line of incidents in which Ferguson has been caught trying to bully the media. Shame on him. He will always be remembered as a great manager, but also as a malignant bullying thug.
However as a human he is not someone I have much respect for and his behaviour above is a perfect example of what a deeply unpleasant character the man is. He is a cowardly bully, a man who has consistently and routinely used his position and power to force his own way on others. He is not a man who listens to others, he is not a man who can be reasoned with, he is a man who no other way than to aggressively force his way on everyone else.
The journalist was merely asking a question and Ferguson couldn't handle that. He had to react by vindictively trying to ban the journalist from future press conferences, truly the cowards way out. This is the latest in a long line of incidents in which Ferguson has been caught trying to bully the media. Shame on him. He will always be remembered as a great manager, but also as a malignant bullying thug.
Thank you... for stating the obvious.
everyone knows this but the big papers won't say a word about it because they are too scared of fergie.
true true
What a prick. I wish the BBC would just ignore he existed for him refusing to speak to them.
What a prick. I wish the BBC would just ignore he existed for him refusing to speak to them.
its like, you can only say good things about him, his club and his players, his players who, can do no wrong, the fa are scared of fergie, the refs are scared of fergie, does he belong to the mafia.
It's just infuriating how the media is strung along by these people.
Honestly, this year has been eye-opening. United have gotten away with at least 11 red card offences this season, they are the dirtiest team in the league, but nobody does anything about, nobody even mentions it (unless it's rooney I suppose). The media allow themselves to be led by this man. It's disgusting. Last season evans kicked drogba full on in the ribs, and I believe he fractured one of them - nobody said a word about it! And then they just reported how united's players were "losing faith with referees". It's utterly shameless.
At the same time, they do whatever they can to make wenger look bad. It's absurd. Even his most well-intentioned sentences are scrutinized and demonized.
I'm starting to think this is part of the reason we get screwed so often by refs. You see, when you have the media on your side, others will follow. Why wouldn't they be affected by this stuff? Why is it that united consistently get a net gain from ref decisions, while we always seem to get the short end of it?
Anyway, thanks for posting this. Would never have seen it otherwise ;)
What a joke Fergie is. Its not the journalists fault none of the Manc players can keep there ***** in their pants and keep embarrassing their club. Im glad the media have showed this, Fergie will have to ban all the media before he retires.
hahahaha ... really funny .. u guys are obssessed with fergie ... of course you have to be, coz he is the Boss. he has achieved everything in football unlike ur dizzy Wenger. still waiting for a single trophy for seven years and u are miking ... ho ho ho ho ho .... sorry gunners... see you next season ... take the lead till march and we will take over from then ............ adios
don't see what the big deal is personally, it's not really got anything to do with football...
and we gave him a knighthood??? take it away like lester piggotts was,,, great football manager, very poor person.
If Arsene had Half the balls to do the same, you wouldn't be without a trophy for 6 years!
Would wenger really be any different. He's protecting his players if wenger gave his opinion on the situation would you all be proud of it.... useless article, using any excuse to have a pop at fergi.
Agree with all and sundry, except for the part about Ferguson being a human being. Let's see him go back to Aberdeen, or manage an English club that doesn't have a Wembleyfull of money, and see what he can do then.
weygud80 and anon 2206/2222
completely irrelevant
the point is that fergie is a c*nt of an individual
anyone claiming to like him is therefore either a genuine c*nt themselves or a rather deluded fool
This is NOT about protecting players.
This is about the completely unjustifiable use of power to bully and intimidate, and silence certain sections of the media.
It is the behaviour of a brutal dictator, behaviour I find abhorrent.
If you don't think there's anything wrong with this behaviour then it says a lot about you.
BTW wenger is very different, he has never bullied, imtimidated or silenced the media as Fergie has done
he will always answer questions and has never tried to ban a journalist from anywhere, unlike SAF
He was there to answer questions about football. If a reporter wanted to be awkward and ask irrelevant questions then whats the point of him being there.
"Would wenger really be any different"
What basis do you have to say that?? When has he ever done anything like this? He doesn't refuse to speak to the media, even though they treat him like garbage; goading him and twisting every little thing he says.
"He was there to answer questions about football. If a reporter wanted to be awkward and ask irrelevant questions then whats the point of him being there."
Of course. Ferguson just wanted to promote a more focussed conversation. This wasn't an attempt to make an example of a reporter who asks awkward questions; to manipulate the press and public opinion - how stupid of us! Ferguson is a saint!
What he said doesn't detract from the probs arsenal have. Let's stop focusing on the very obvious. FA protection and Xenofobia, and focus on our poor tactics and lack of heart. You can only fix your problems when you admit you have them. Forget Fergie, successful or not!
A well written piece about the most successful Premiership manager of all time.The article states many times that it is undeniable that S.A.F clearly has many attributes that our manager is missing regarding managing and motivating players.What I have felt for some time though is that he and MUFC get more than their fair rub of the green from referees and the media which would annoy me intensely if we were genuine title challengers.One example of which is S.AF's influence on who referee's his team's big games.Martin Atkinson made 2 decisions earlier this season which S.A.F took exception to and was given a 5 match ban for his conduct after the game but more importantly Martin Atkinson has not refereed them since.Allternatively Arsene has been quite rightly scathing of some decisions eg Wigan away and worse Newcastle away,where Darren Best handled the ball for NUFC'S 2nd goal and they were awarded the worst penalty decision of the year.We however don't seem to be able to veto ref's and were subjected to the same ref some 10 games later.
Anybody who thinks that we are being a little paranoid here,ask yourself this...when was the last time MUFC conceded a penalty that could be judged as a little dubious?....these things even themselves out though....
The man is a genius, even Wenger will tell you that!
why should we forget about Fergie? Imagine Wenger doing anything like that? It would be plastered on all front pages and Manure fans shovelling abuse on him!
Understand your point 1979Gooner, but from the perspective of controlling his and ManU's media image, well you can't really fault him.
There's been a couple of times this season when the press have really been on AW's back and I've felt he should have said less or even got someone else in front of the mike.
AW trotting out the same old lines and answering tenuous questions has undermined his position. His willingness to talk has n't helped him: "always say less than is necessary" is an old adage, and one AW could do well to heed.
A bit more of Sir AF's stance with the media, would have put AW in a much better position (muted some of the incessant criticism that's come his way). Quite frankly if next season starts as this ones finishing I can't think AW can withstand the media pressure.
.. keep those guns blazin'
He would do nicely as a dictator of a small sountry.
I have never liked/respected the red faced cunt. Yes I know his achievment in soccer will be enshrined at OT forever. But bear in mind his condescending attitude.
It seems to me he thinks he has some divine right to win.I will be over the moon if Messi and company beat him.
Btw,he has been linked with a move for Nasri. Even if he were to offer above the market price for Nasri,Wenger should not be tempted.Remember Yorke whom he unsttled. In football you don't sell your best players to your principal rival.Similarly the US doesn't sell best weapons to China.
Well, as usual, not much media backlash bc Fergie is lord of the Premiership. He owns this corrupt media machine.
Btw, wasn't he supposed to be to be fined for continuing his war vs the BBC? As usual it was empty threats huh...
Total control is how Ferguson is so supremely successful. This is his character, how he runs the club and it extends to the media pack, rightly so, as they are totally unaccountable and write complete drivel. They were told 'no Giggs questions', simple. That guy was just trying to eek a stupid headline from the situation and crossed Ferguson. Finished mate, sorry.
Compare with Wenger allowing club captain Fabregas to miss a very important match. What message does this send to the dressing room ? Can you imagine Vidic just choosing to be elsewhere ! Amazing lack of discipline but that is what lets Arsenal down so regularly of course. It may be unpleasant to some but it is great to see for United fans. We have a ruthless and successful man at the helm.
Arsenal fans deal with it... a trophy less cabinet again! If can't do it in the field of play stop looking for scape goats you sissys. Man-U is the "Awesome" in "Awesomist"! If you can't handle tht then go hang!
Hahahaha u shmucks can't get a life of ur own can u??
He did that to protect giggs before the champions league and that makes him the most disgraceful ever???
Typical gooner c**ts....
We Wenger a married man had an affair at his age but no fergies Worst...
Thierry Henry deliberately and selfishly knocked out Ireland but no fergies worst...even if ur mom sleeps with a fellow gooner but no fergies worst
just another bitter arsenal fan. if the journalist wouldve been asking a relevant question, like if Giggs' state of mind was suitable to be playing in a major final, then fergie wouldve been in the wrong. however, he didnt, and it is clear that he was just trying to rile fergie, so why complain when he succeeds?
I friggin hate Baconface
the fact is that you simply cannot tell the media not to ask questions when it so suits
we have a free press in this country, if you want a media that is a puppet of certain individuals then so be it, but it better not be here in the UK
THIS WHOLE ARTICLE IS WORTHLESS! if it came from a true United supporter then that is opinion otherwise this is whatless coming from an Arsenal fan.
Focus on winning SOMETHING, ANYTHING rather than (admiring) Manchester United.
God I hate Man United.
With love,
Liverpool FC
never mind the jock why do all you gooners keep phoneing that ginger prick at 4pm on talk sport all you do is give himthe chance to slag you and wenger and our great club off
fuck the lot of you, you bunch of cunts
why is this wrong if he said before hand that he will answer no questions regarding the subject.
wenger is saint? read the below..he is gentleman?
Monday, November 06, 2006
Pardew apologises but moody Wenger stays silent..
West Ham boss Alan Pardew has gone out of his way to apologise to Arsene Wenger for his part in the touch line row at Upton Park on Sunday, the two men had to be separated following Pardew's goal celebration.
Many observers including me believe that Pardew has done nothing wrong, and so he has nothing to apologise for. Wenger on the other had appeared to go for Pardew during the incident, he also refused to shake hands after the game, the Frenchman didn't give a TV interview after the game and also he refused to have a drink with Pardew who wanted to sort things out.
dear arsenal fans....most likely you are spending more times reading man Utd stuff rather than arsenal stuff..
Check this out from your own...
Ferguson is without doubt a great manager, but he's also the most cantankerous, ill-mannered bully-boy in the history of British football. There is a collective silence in the media over his often appaling conduct and his role in the Glazier's takeover of old trafford. Ferguson's greed over the stud rights of the Rock of Gibraltar lead to a civil war between himself and Magnier and McManus. Feguson alienated these two men that they felt no compunction to act in the interests of the club and promply sold their shares to the Glaziers. It's funny that you don't hear Ferguson going on about being a 'Socialist' these days because any success he brings to old trafford ironically strengthens the Glazier's hold on the club.
Says an Arsenal fan. Who clearly hasn't realised that the manager of his own club is Arsene Wenger. Who is also, a "disgrace of a human being".
I'm not a United fan, or an Arsenal fan. Just thought I'd remind you that people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones, as a premiership footballer recently put it.
Think you'll find that hacks are pre-briefed as to what questions are generally acceptable and what are not. I would imagine the tittle tattle surrounding Giggy's personal life had been deemed off the agenda and yet some hack apparently chose to ignore the path to Giggs. If I'd have insisted the same requisite pre-briefing then I'd have asked who the journo was with the intention that said scribe is banned from any of my press conferences again.
Some of just don't live in the real world , if it was you that had been the one, that all this crap had been reading about , you would want to keep your dirty washing kept in house . So just keep that in mind and respect to alex for looking out for his players thats what managers do, come on giggs get us a goal on sat top man
nonsense manu fans
the pathetic sniping at wenger gets you nowhere in trying to justify ferguson's bullying behaviour
the fact is you cannot defend it, he has been caught intimidating and bullying the media yet again and there is no decent justification for it
you can go on about other irrelevant things until the cows come home but it won't change anything to do with ferguson
the fact is he's an effective manager but a deeply unpleasant human being
the fact you can't own up to this is pretty pathetic
i will openly admit that wenger needs to be nastier and harsher at times to be more effective as a manager
it's blatantly clearer that arsene is a much nicer bloke than sir alex!
Whenever Man U lost Af never came to speak to press and instead sent his deputy to face the media.
Win or loss AW or any other coach never shied away from media.
AF want all glory to be his but doesnt want any blame for loss.
Man U get ref's blessings and AF bullies them and FA too.
The most Pathetic champions ever
Where do you goons get off saying Wenger is a nice human being? He gets on with no one, he fights with managers gets into spats with players and not that long ago got caught having an affair himself!
Just like your manager you want to pick faults in others instead of addressing problems in your own house,
Even motions like gooners know any public speaking with journo's has a do and don't ask list, but of course you can only point a finger at others.
You dislike Sir Alex only because he is everything your shitty manager isn't. Your manager has run out of ideas on the pitch now you idiots are clutching at straws. Can't wait till you get knocked out the CL spot as well and get back to where you belong.
And for those wishing UTD lose against Barca, remember one thing, we may well lose but I bet my balls we will have a shot at goal which your sorry Afars couldn't manage for over 90 minutes. But shit happens when you play men vs boys.
And remember another thing, the difference between out managers is Fergie protects his players not molest them.
Now fuck off and worry about how many of your players will leave again
Like father like son: Darren ferguson was charged with beating his wife up outside Fergie's socialist mansion and the other one Jason ferguson was installed as the defacto agent of the younger players at old trafford by Ferguson himself. That is untill Magnier and McManus launched their famous 100 questions: as revealed on the BBC 3 programme 'Fergie and Son' Darren Ferguson was illegally negotiating transfers (Jap Stam to Lazio for example) and taking a huge cut of the money. Darren ferguson's guilt was implicitly illustrated when he was forced to immediately close the elite sports agency and man utd (because of magniers and mcmanus investigation) immediately severed contact with elite. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE PROGRAMME 'FERGIE AND SON'-IT'S ON YOUTUBE. IT CLEARLY SHOWS THAT FERGIE HASN'T GOT A LEG TO STAND ON IN HIS FEUD WITH THE BBC
Like father like son: Darren ferguson was charged with beating his wife up outside Fergie's socialist mansion and the other one Jason ferguson was installed as the defacto agent of the younger players at old trafford by Ferguson himself. That is untill Magnier and McManus launched their famous 100 questions: as revealed on the BBC 3 programme 'Fergie and Son' Jason Ferguson was illegally negotiating transfers (Jap Stam to Lazio for example) and taking a huge cut of the money. Darren ferguson's guilt was implicitly illustrated when he was forced to immediately close the elite sports agency and man utd (because of magniers and mcmanus investigation) immediately severed contact with elite. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THE PROGRAMME 'FERGIE AND SON'-IT'S ON YOUTUBE. IT CLEARLY SHOWS THAT FERGIE HASN'T GOT A LEG TO STAND ON IN HIS FEUD WITH THE BBC
i met fergie once and my mum has met him a few times at her work, the guy is so nice he speaks to you like he's known you all his life and i remember standing up to check who was on the subs bench at a game he saw me and waved, football is a cut throat business as your manager is failing to see with his break downs on the touchline and absurd comments after games, doesn't take a genius to realise he doesn't get persecuted by the fa cause your chairman is all over it
cut throat! how u win trophies, must suck watching a team pass about a ball and do nothing for 90 mins, i could go to a local park n see that. 4th place ha ha ha 5th next season when liverpool have a full season under dalglish....ah well next year your players will have another year experience see how they much more further down the table they go using it.
danish gooner, man utd is a small country, we are the biggest sports franchise in the world, pick up forbes or any other financial read, ahead of the la lakers, barcelona, real madrid ny yankees...... go sit on your cushioned seats and watch the ball being passed around till the other team takes it off you and scores, barcelona exposed you for the pitiful team you are. evra has lost count of his medals over last 6 years u have nothing! u got beat in the final to a relegated team
Why have so many utd fans chosen to defend the indefensible? AF may be a good manager, but at times, he's a grade one c*nt.
Someone mentioned his sons a little earlier...well let's not forget what is probably the most recent story to link the Fergie clan...and which shows AF to be a c*nt!
This season, his son Darren had "led" Preston North End from being a team usually fighting to get to the promotion play-offs, to being at the bottom of the championship. Facing almost certain relegation, Preston were pretty much forced to sack him. AF instantly demanded that at least three loan players from MUFC immediately return and never play for Preston again (pretty much sealing Preston's fate). Also, one player who was actually contracted to stay and so in theory couldn't be withdrawn, developed "an injury" overnight and was also forced to return for treatment.
Sorry MUFC fans...good manager maybe...but the man's definitely an arrogant c*nt with a God complex!
I'm a MU fan....
Fergie is not without fault..
Wenger too...
So Gunners, admit the fact
The important thing for a fan is for their beloved team to compete and win cups year after year. Fegie is second to none in this respect..
Wenger is a great manager but has faults too...google it you can finds tons of not so great news about him..
I would bet that given a choice..Gooners would love to have Fergie managing Arsenal...
nuff said...
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