I suppose if referees made less mistakes then we wouldn't have quite so much to talk about throughout the football season, the shocking refereeing on show this season has certainly left plenty of room for improvement for the rest of the season.
Unbelievably the FA have had the gall to charge Watford's boss Aidie Boothroyd for having the audacity to be angry when a goal was awarded against his side instead of a corner. It really has to be seen to be believed just how bad this decision was, have a look here.
So on a weekend we have blatant dissent from the likes of Ferdinand which goes unpunished, then in the week we see yet another shocking leg breaker get off with just a three match ban, while poor old Adie Boothroyd is hauled up in front of the FA for having the nerve to be pissed off when a referee makes an inexcusable error.
Mind you if you thought that refereeing error was bad, then have a look at this one, again it has to be seen to be believed with the ref waving play on despite the fact that the ball cannoned into the old onion bag and then out again due to the ferocity of the shot. Maybe the manager concerned was punished for daring to get a tad angry at this incompetence.
Elsewhere the delightful Platini has admitted he was 'too hard' on Arsene, there appears to be no sign of a proper grovelling apology then. Platini seems to dislike the fact that Arsene signs up young talent, quite legally I may add, at the age of around 13 or 14. Perhaps he should concentrate on criticising those who actually routinely break the rules of the game with their illegal tapping up of players, or on those clubs which threaten the sustainability of the game with their reckless spending. It would be too much to expect a proper apology from this arrogant self obsessed half wit, no wonder the game's not moving forward with this kind of muppet at the helm.
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Regards, Ell.
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