Football is not high up most Londoners agenda right now and with good reason. The events of the last few days that have seen gangs of feral chav youths rioting and looting various parts of the country have been truly appalling. Football needs to be put in its place and it fades into insignificance in the context of the events of recent days.
The Gooner who writes this blog is out doing his bit tonight, he is Alex Louka, aka AlexFortyNine on Twitter. He is part of a group of individuals from the Enfield community who are out in force in order to protect their local area from more of this mindless wanton violence. Alex and this group of lads have been out in Enfield and making citizens arrests of these feral scum, 26 so far I think.
His family shop was looted and he is out doing his bit, I am proud that people are out doing this kind of heroic work this evening, it is simply fantastic that more and more people are standing up to the putrid scum whose behaviour is threatening to undermine the rule of law in our country for no good reason. There are many other tales of similar heroism from elsewhere in London, the Sikhs in Southall, the Turkish in North London, the Millwall fans on Eltham High Street and on and on.
It seems to me that the left wing tree hugging approach does not work with the these youths, cuddling them and offering them help is not the way to go, they are not normal people with feelings and guilt, they are scum who only care for themselves and their own sick pleasure. I hope something good can come out of this disaster and well done AlexFortyNine, keep up the Sterling work, thanks to people like you many of us are having some of our faith in our fellow man restored.
It's hard to believe that anybody could emerge from this mess as heroes, but I'm glad that some are willing to try.
As one of those left wing 'tree huggers', I won't be reading this blog again. I don't advocate the violence and I'm glad the gooner you mentioned is doing his bit to help, but your comments about the youths that have no feelings are completely ignorant and bigoted. Bye.
Well done lads
Loads of respect from me and other Gooners from faraway Finland. I takes a lot of guts to try and stop the madness in London.
Hello, long time reader, first time poster at this blog. Always felt you was one of the most enlightened people blogging on arsenal-stuff. As a norwegian just coming back from nasty happenings this summer myself, I really sympathise with what you Londoners are experiencing right now.
With that said, I think your post was a bit ignorant and shows an attitude which resembles what started the riot in the first place.
Anyways, my heart goes out to the ones who are affected by the violence. I hope things gets under control soon!
I agree with Anonymous at 22:14
I think you're completely right with this post. What is happening in London and the rest of the UK is a disgrace and I'm glad people like you have the guts to speak up and tell the truth.
Spurs fan here offering respect.
Well, if that is true Anonymous 2214 then that is rather sad.
In fact your running away is rather typical of those with rather naive left wing views.
This generation of sociopaths has been created by a complete and utter lack of discipline which has resulted in a selfish lack of respect for their fellow human beings.
Unfortunately I think you are way off the mark, this kind of attitude had nothing to do with the start of the riots.
These youths just needed any old trigger, it didn't matter what it was, they enjoy destroying things and scaring people, they are sociopathic scum.
In fact years of failed left wing policies have helped create this mess, large broken welfare dependent familes, a lack of school discipline, no decent parenting etc.
I am no right wing extremist, I am fairly centrist in my views, but anyone who knows London would appreciate what kind these youths are, they are not pleasant and not worthy of sympathy I'm afraid.
@Anonymous 22:14 and Martin, you both pretend you know what started the riots in the first place. You don't.
Its actually somewhat unlikely that any of the rioting on Sunday or Monday had a blind thing to do with politics, police brutality or tree-hugging. It seems to me that it was mostly mindless violence for the thrill of it with a good dose of opportunist robbery thrown in as well.
If there was ever any meaning in the protests of Saturday in Tottenham about the circumstances of the death of Mr Duggan, that has mostly been lost in the outrageous criminality of those that followed.
It really doesn't matter whether you think you can cure these problems by sympathy and funding, or with discipline and force. The point is that most human beings, not matter how poor or deprived, treat each other with basic self respect.
The morons who went on a rampage on Sunday and Monday must be made responsible for their actions. And even a tofu wearing liberalist would have to accept that.
Is there an element of sexual gratification to be had by putting one's arms around a tree, you think?
Do people wear tofu?
Only liberalists. Any other kind of thread is murder.
Have you not heard the scream of the lambs' wool.....
Answer to both the blogger and the rest;
I can't pretend to know what was the cause for this riot, but the catalyst seems to be angerness towards the officials?
Even though I don't know what kind of people the rioters are, or what their reason is.
Anyways, didn't mean to come off as a know-it-all, cause I certainly don't. But their frustration must come from something/somewhere?
Martin - the original spark on saturday may indeed, as you say, had something to you with police brutality and the attitude of those in Tottenham towards officials. But the events on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday had very little to do with that at all.
Unfortunately, the UK now has a large section of society that does not want to work, or cannot work, and they are basically angry at the fact that the world is not being given to them on a plate. So they take, take, take from wherever they can.
Anyway, back to the footy and I see that Cesc is now almost a done deal. Can't say that £35m is a bad price for him. In fact, I really don't care how much we sell him for, so long at the money goes straight out to buy a decent replacement....
Petition for Wilshere to get the no4 jersey:
To my mind one and all ought to look at this.
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