Friday 6 August 2010

Fabregas speaks: classless Barca

"Firstly I would like to apologise to all the Arsenal fans for not speaking sooner about my future but I have not known what I was going to do until this moment.

"I cannot deny that joining a club like Barcelona was not an attractive move for me. This was the club where I learnt my football, it is my home town where my friends and family are and a club where I have always dreamed of playing. There are not many players in this world who would not want to play for Barcelona.

"I have had many conversations with Arsène Wenger both in person and over the phone over the last few months and although the content of those conversations will remain private, the conclusion is that Barcelona have had two formal offers rejected by Arsenal.

"I am a professional and I fully understand that it is Arsenal's prerogative not to sell me.

"I owe a lot to the Club, manager and the fans and I will respect their decision and will now concentrate on the new season ahead with Arsenal.

"I can assure all the fans that now the negotiations have ended I will be 100 percent focused on playing for Arsenal.

"I am an Arsenal player and as soon as I step out on to the pitch, that is the only club I will be thinking about.

"I am looking forward to the start of the season and putting this speculation behind me."

I think this statement confirms two things. Firstly it confirms that Cesc Fabregas is a good man because he has not given into the despicable Barca tactics; they wanted him to openly declare he wanted out and put in a transfer request, he has not done this and this shows his great respect for Arsenal FC, Arsene Wenger and Arsenal fans. Secondly it confirms that Barcelona FC are an immensely arrogant and obnoxious collective of c*nts. They have put it a couple of paltry offers and tried to unsettle the player with a sustained campaign of media propaganda, they have done this rather than put in a decent offer.

Personally I think Arsenal would have sold Cesc if the right money had come in from Barcelona, this is probably what Arsene explained to Cesc when they met earlier this summer. Arsene would have explained that he would not stand in Cesc's way if Barca came up with Arsenal's asking price, this would have been their little compromise. Barcelona showed not respect and offered a paltry sum, expecting Cesc to come out with a transfer request to enable a knock down fee. Cesc didn't sink to Barca's level, he showed he has some moral fibre and has come out of this with a lot of credit. It wouldn't surprise me if Cesc goes next summer or the year after that, but we now all know that he won't be going anywhere this season and Barca know they won't get him for a knock down fee. The classless Barca have got what they deserved, precisely f*ck all.


  1. agree with what you say and would think that a future price has been agreed between cesc and wenger, if they fail to win a trophy, it is good news as long as he can remain focused which i think will be the case, maybe also seen asa boost to the squad when he is fit enough, hopefully this will give wenger the kick to go and sort out the rest of the defence, IE CH and Goalie, and why is Loic Remy making noises about coming to us, why cant we look into this and clear out vela rosicky bendtner or walcot to have him as he looks the business.

  2. 100% agree with what you've said here. I'm pretty sure that Cesc'll go next season (as much as I'm sure he would've gone this had the offer been right).
    But his statement is the best he could've made. He didn't try to say there was no truth to the rumours. He could've sulked and tried to force through a transfer, but he didn't. He's still a great man and a great player and above all he's still ours!!!


  3. Loic Remy is considering a move to Stoke. Vela, Rosicky, Bendtner and Walcott are all either seasoned internationals or rising stars. Yeah, let's get rid of them for a Stoke wannabe! What a dumb comment!

  4. in reply to
    Loic Remy is considering a move to Stoke, i agree but if he turns out ike tierry henry who he has ben likened to then they would not get in the team, not so dumb then eh!!

  5. couldn't agree more.

    In response to first comment - doubt Wenger has agreed a fee for next year though. Cesc will increase in price and Barc will need to match same or be disappointed once again!

  6. Cesc is a traitor. pure and simple.

    If you want to fuck off to Barca then dont sign an improved 7 year deal. Easy.

    Good riddance for the 2011/12 season.

  7. 30 odd million quid is hardly paltry

  8. Of course 30 odd million is a paltry sum, compared to other players who aren't as good as him anyway!


  9. 30 million IS paltry for a talismanic captain who isn't for sale, especially when they paid 40 million plus Eto'o for Ibrahimovic

  10. I am sorry it is.

    30 Million for a 23 year old as good as Cesc in today's market is 100% paltry.

    Mediocrity is going for 30 million these days, Toure, Milner etc.

  11. "So the words spoken by the prophet Bergkamp were fulfilled: A voice was heard in Catalunya, telling falsehoods and cursing the heavenly hosts of Islington, underselling their prodigal yet righteous son, who was dismissed by his own before the world in the rising land of the great monarch Mandela, as seen by the whole world, and thus the righteous young man stayed with those who had extended their hospitality in good faith."
    -- Gooners 4:11

  12. Snooooooore. This has to be the worst, most repetitive, boring Arsenal blog available. Step one: quote something. Step two: write a paragraph of rant that is obviously pulled out of your ass. Step three: repeat.

  13. couldnt agreee more. Plus, the fact that during the World Cup he as give such little time on the pith (in a team that is basically Barca based
    ) must have shown him his future at Barca. It is an insult to him as a professional to be price tagged for as little as Barca offered. He is 1 if not the best nowadays. If we get him 100% focus and the team without injuries. We'll make it happen

  14. While I respect that he is an excellent player, you are looking only at the anomalies in the market, ie Toure, Milner, Ibrahimovic etc. Take a look at regular transfers and you'll see that while £30m may not be enough to buy Cesc, it is daft to call it 'paltry'

    I'd personally hold out for £50m or so but it's utterly ridiculous to call £30m paltry.

    My other arguement would be that while Cesc is a great player and a good captain, he has never really gone above and beyond, ie, he's never dragged this Arsenal team to trophies. He has certainly dragged them through many a game but the real top bracket players make impacts on the biggest stages. Without meaning to be disrespectful, this Arseanl side with Cesc leading it, has yet to really challenge the biggest sides in the major tournaments. The real top top bracket players make the difference, Cesc certainly makes a difference but not yet in a consistantly meaningful way.

    I'm guessing some of you will point to performances against Barca and stuff but can you really say when it has come to the biggest games that he has consistantly performed? Granted, that has a lot to do with the team rather than just him but in my opinion that is why £30m is not a particularly insulting offer

  15. Thisblogislame:

    well, if you think we're so lame then bugger off and don't leave your hypocritical comments behind!
    if you have so little constructive to offer then you yourself are far lamer than anything else!


    in the current market 30million is a steal for a player of cesc's quality, given his age, given his leadership, given his record, given he has five years on his contract and cannot webster for 2 years, given the other players going for 20-30, he is worth at least 40-50 or so

  16. granted 1979, i dont disagree that he's worth what you said, i just think it is churlish to call £30m paltry!

    Any club would have to consider £30m for any player in the world. I'm not saying a bid has to be accepted but £30m is a lot of money!

    i agree though that he would be a steal at that price

  17. This is a HILARIOUS post!

    You make it sound like poor Cesc was held hostage all this time being manipulated and abused by Barca all summer long and that he was just totally innocent and a trueblue gunner in all this.

    What a joke.

    Yes, of course Cesc refused to hand in a transfer request - it could be because he loves and respects Arsenal (which I believe he does) but it could also be because he (like all other footballers who don't hand in transfer requests but want to leave their club) could be greedy and doesn't want to lose the bonuses and perks that such an act would trigger per his contract.

    His statement in fact CONFIRMS that he wanted to leave and is staying only because Arsenal won't sell -- END OF. Had Arsenal been willing to sell, he would've been very happy to go to Barca.

    His statement CONFIRMS that IN FACT Guillem Ballague's original story was true.

    I liked the statement very much. No attempt to deny his genuine desire to leave, no spin. It leaves absolutely NO ROOM for all those gooner idiots who until today were still in denial, still arguing beyond all reason that it was all a media invention, it was all Barca's doing, had absolutely nothing to do with Cesc himself, that Guillem Ballague's original story that Cesc had had a private conversation with AW (which Cesc initiated) a few wks after the end of the season was a made up lie from a journo who works for Barca (he doesn't). Lot of moronic gooners really don't get the media at all, they really think that every single journo out there who reports on a story about Arsenal that said gooner doesn't like has some personal agenda against Arsenal, or some personal allegiance to another club or whatever. Ballague reported a true story, end of.

    Cesc wanted to leave -- end of. Esp. after watching his teammates play like clueless passengers at the end of the season while he was recuperating from injury in Spain after giving so much effort for his team, playing on the pitch with a broken leg.

    Now let's just hope his teammates will show some of that fight this season in his last year with us.

    Stop living in this fantasy world that Cesc is an angel and Barca are evil manipulators and that they initiated this entire circus. It was CESC who initiated it and put Barca on alert (thus causing them to go into their PR overdrive) and it was CESC who caused all of this in the first place by talking to AW privately a few wks after the end of the season and asking him to leave Arsenal.

  18. This is a HILARIOUS post!

    You make it sound like poor Cesc was held hostage all this time being manipulated and abused by Barca all summer long and that he was just totally innocent and a trueblue gunner in all this.

    What a joke.

    Yes, of course Cesc refused to hand in a transfer request - it could be because he loves and respects Arsenal (which I believe he does) but it could also be because he (like all other footballers who don't hand in transfer requests but want to leave their club) could be greedy and doesn't want to lose the bonuses and perks that such an act would trigger per his contract.

    His statement in fact CONFIRMS that he wanted to leave and is staying only because Arsenal won't sell -- END OF. Had Arsenal been willing to sell, he would've been very happy to go to Barca.

    His statement CONFIRMS that IN FACT Guillem Ballague's original story was true.

    I liked the statement very much. No attempt to deny his genuine desire to leave, no spin. It leaves absolutely NO ROOM for all those gooner idiots who until today were still in denial, still arguing beyond all reason that it was all a media invention, it was all Barca's doing, had absolutely nothing to do with Cesc himself, that Guillem Ballague's original story that Cesc had had a private conversation with AW (which Cesc initiated) a few wks after the end of the season was a made up lie from a journo who works for Barca (he doesn't). Lot of moronic gooners really don't get the media at all, they really think that every single journo out there who reports on a story about Arsenal that said gooner doesn't like has some personal agenda against Arsenal, or some personal allegiance to another club or whatever. Ballague reported a true story, end of.

    Cesc wanted to leave -- end of. Esp. after watching his teammates play like clueless passengers at the end of the season while he was recuperating from injury in Spain after giving so much effort for his team, playing on the pitch with a broken leg.

    Now let's just hope his teammates will show some of that fight this season in his last year with us.

    Stop living in this fantasy world that Cesc is an angel and Barca are evil manipulators and that they initiated this entire circus. It was CESC who initiated it and put Barca on alert (thus causing them to go into their PR overdrive) and it was CESC who caused all of this in the first place by talking to AW privately a few wks after the end of the season and asking him to leave Arsenal.

  19. This is a HILARIOUS post!

    You make it sound like poor Cesc was held hostage all this time being manipulated and abused by Barca all summer long and that he was just totally innocent and a trueblue gunner in all this.

    What a joke.

    Yes, of course Cesc refused to hand in a transfer request - it could be because he loves and respects Arsenal (which I believe he does) but it could also be because he (like all other footballers who don't hand in transfer requests but want to leave their club) could be greedy and doesn't want to lose the bonuses and perks that such an act would trigger per his contract.

    His statement in fact CONFIRMS that he wanted to leave and is staying only because Arsenal won't sell -- END OF. Had Arsenal been willing to sell, he would've been very happy to go to Barca.

    His statement CONFIRMS that IN FACT Guillem Ballague's original story was true.

    I liked the statement very much. No attempt to deny his genuine desire to leave, no spin. It leaves absolutely NO ROOM for all those gooner idiots who until today were still in denial, still arguing beyond all reason that it was all a media invention, it was all Barca's doing, had absolutely nothing to do with Cesc himself, that Guillem Ballague's original story that Cesc had had a private conversation with AW (which Cesc initiated) a few wks after the end of the season was a made up lie from a journo who works for Barca (he doesn't). Lot of moronic gooners really don't get the media at all, they really think that every single journo out there who reports on a story about Arsenal that said gooner doesn't like has some personal agenda against Arsenal, or some personal allegiance to another club or whatever. Ballague reported a true story, end of.

    Cesc wanted to leave -- end of. Esp. after watching his teammates play like clueless passengers at the end of the season while he was recuperating from injury in Spain after giving so much effort for his team, playing on the pitch with a broken leg.

    Now let's just hope his teammates will show some of that fight this season in his last year with us.

    Stop living in this fantasy world that Cesc is an angel and Barca are evil manipulators and that they initiated this entire circus. It was CESC who initiated it and put Barca on alert (thus causing them to go into their PR overdrive) and it was CESC who caused all of this in the first place by talking to AW privately a few wks after the end of the season and asking him to leave Arsenal.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Marcus,

    No need to repeat your point three times.

    BTM I do nothing of the sort.

    Barca clearly tried to get Cesc on the cheap and Arsenal weren't having it.

    Thankfully Cesc showed respect to the manager, club and fans by not pushing the issue. He respected his contract.

    If you had bothered to take your blinkers off for a split second then you would have read the second paragraph I wrote which explained the situation in fairly frank terms.

    As I stated I am sure Arsenal would have let him go if Barca had paid their asking price, they clearly didn't and that was that.

    The point I have been making in recent weeks, something you conveniently ignore in your raving, is the fact that Barca players and officials have systematically tried to unsettle the player. It is clear they were cranking the pressure up and hoping he would come out with a transfer request.

    So in conclusion I am not naive as you make out, I am pragmatic. Pragmatically Cesc has shown a lot of moral fibre by respecting his contract as many players have not in recent years. He is no angel, I agree, however this still doesn't excuse Barca's pathetic and despicable tactics in trying to sign him on the cheap.

    Overall I can't see your point, if Barca had really wanted Cesc they would have stumped up the cash that Arsenal wanted, they didn't, Cesc has respected his contract and that's it. End of for another year.

  22. You keep saying he has moral fibre because he has respected his contract but does this mean that if he leaves next summer you will condemn him for not respecting it?

  23. No.

    If Barca offer what we want then we don't stand in the way of players or condemn them.

  24. Well, its good news that Cesc is going to be here for another 12 months but I am sure we will see this story again next january and then again next summer.

    Its clear that Cesc will be in a Barca shirt for good sooner or later, its just a question of when it happens and how much Barca pay.

    Barca are in a strong football position, having won the league the last two seasons, but their finances are threadbare. If we are to get big money from Barca next summer then we need Real to win the league this year. Real's stupid spending last summer shows what happens when one of them is in a weak position.

    So then, that leaves the small issue of what Cesc will do in his final season at Arsenal. It would be a remarkable disappointment if Cesc finished his 6 years in the first team without a major trophy....

  25. You're the cunts. Obviously he was forced to give that statement by Wenger. Congrats, you now have a captain which heart is somewhere else. It is now Cesc's problem, not Barcealona's. We'll survive because we have a great squad. I really hope we'll get Arsenal in the CL once more. Would love to trash you again.
